Why you need Myotherapy
Trigger points are laid down throughout your lifetime. Sports, injuries, repetitive motions, accidents, surgeries and illnesses all leave a fingerprint in your musculature. They can remain dormant for a very long time, waiting for the climate of stress, illness, accident or hormone changes to make them all light up and speak to you in the form of pain. This accounts for all the chronic pain that people seem to just wake up with one day! Often you can identify how and where you got hurt, yet more often it appears to have come out of the blue.
While 95% of all muscle related pain is permanently fixed with this method, it is prudent to know what the problem is from the start. For this reason, patients often come from referrals from their MD’s, DC, DO, or DDS. This rules out other pathologies for which a more standard routine of care would benefit first. If one needed a total joint replacement myotherapy would offer only temporary relief.
Common problems that myotherapy can address: back or neck pain, rotator cuff syndrom, tendinitis, tennis elbow, bursitis, arthritis, sciatica, carpal tunnel, whiplash, TMJ, plantar fascitis, groin, hip and knee pain, migraines, cramps and abdominal problems. Repetitive strain injuries (RSI), experienced by artists, musicians, athletes, computer techs, golfers, surfers, tennis players, field sport players, runners, skiers, laborers, wait staff, and weekend warriors can all be addressed with success.
Long term sufferers with chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue or myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, MS and diabetes will find myotherapy very useful in achieving a higher quality of daily living and movement. This is where the self-management techniques are both empowering to learn and cost effective in the management of your condition.
MYOTHERAPY stands apart from other modalities as an authentic permanent fix. It works beautifully alongside those alternative methods in allowing the body to “hold” other work more efficiently (specifically manipulations) and also to get more range out of your Yoga or Pilates practice and gym routines.
In order to get the most out of your sessions, sometimes the John Barnes, MPT style of “unwinding” or myofascial release (MFR), and often a gentle and deep barefoot deep tissue compression is incorporated.
The principles can be applied in many forms. Chair work for those that can’t stand and “Bed Ballet” for those recovering from strokes, coma, and other traumatic injuries. The creative employment of these principles is as endless as the alive and overflowing spirit you are filled with when you resume your daily life without nagging pain.