Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dogs

Rumi graced my life for 12 and a half years. They flew by! We lived outside Aspen for 2, Santa Barbara for 8, Santa Fe for 1 and traveled for a year and a half in between! He grew up in the snow, had his mid life crisis at the Ocean and Retired in the High Desert. Rumi traveled the entire country with me by car and spent a few weeks in a small fishing village in Mexico too. The ever sharing HOST, he shared his toys witih other dogs and his bones with toddlers! He adored puppies in the end of his life, ever patient and happy. Rumi loved his offleash life, RAWFOOD…well any food actually…and being a therapy dog to my Myotherapy patients old and young! He adored teaching young labs how to surf the waves, swim in a pool and catch frisbees and balls! Once I asked him to help me foster the orphan labs that came and went, he did a good job allowing them space to relax until they wanted to come out of their shells. He had a commanding presence at 100 pounds and his happy tail NEVER broke one article here in my doll house of artifacts. Rumi had a wag and a kiss for everyone, all the time, until the moment he passed. He was bitten several times during his life by fearful dogs, yet never pierced the skin of an enemy. He knew how to BARK in English…as I always knew exactly what he was saying…He was amazing at telling time too…even in different timezones his internal dinner bell would go off…and let me know that it was time to prepare the feast! Many men friends often joined him at dinnertime…they just wanted their meat cooked! They also said they were willing to give up being human NOW and become my dog… Rumi had a charmed life…he deserved every day. I have no regrets except for the one superpower we all wish we had…TO FIND A CURE FOR CANCER! MANY PEOPLE HAVE OFFERED WORDS OF CHEER AND SUPPORT…THE BEST BEING: Dogs LOVE US for a SHORT TIME…WE LOVE THEM…FOREVER
Blossom has taught the youthful Spirit pup how to be calm during a treatment and lie there napping.
The dogs gather round for any healing taking place and help to amplify the magic!
In 2005 I co founded Indi Lab Rescue in So Cal with my friend Donna Salvini. Rehoming the best breed in the world has brought joy to my soul and smiles to my heart.
Many of our dogs are reading BARK dogs, who assist remedial readers in elementary schools throughout Southern California. Many once thrown away labs are now cherished service dogs, helping their people and others with Traumatic Brain Injuries.
Here in New Mexico, I enjoy helping out the only Lab Rescue in our state…Luvin Labs.
At some level I guess you could say my life has willingly gone to the dogs….

Blossom & Rose


Young Spirit

Young Spirit